Available Vacancies

We are offering following vacancies:

Snr.VacanciesMin Experience In Precast Industry
  1  QS Civil Engineer  3 to 5 Years
  2  Snr. Estimators with Civil Experience  5 to 8 Years
  3  Project Managers with Civil Experience  5 to 10 Years
  4  Snr. Planning Engineers with Civil Experience  5 to 10 Years
  5  Sales Team with civil engineering experience  3 to 5 Years
  6  Senior Sales Executives with civil engineering experience  5 to 10 Years
  7  Senior Structural/Civil Design Engineer  3 to 5 Years
  8  Senior Production Structural/Civil Engineer  3 to 5 Years
  9  QC & QS Supervisors & Engineers within construction field  3 to 5 Years
  10  Skilled Workers Various Skilled workers required (Local Only)
 who can work in the production of precast factory

Kindly send your CVs with the position applied mentioned in the subject at